What Days Can Sessions Be Scheduled On?

Family sessions and weddings are scheduled Monday - Saturday (I am not available on Sundays). Saturdays are limited and fill up fast, so weekdays will have more options! Other session types are usually scheduled Monday - Thursday and some Fridays if I am available. Contact me and I'll let you know if I am free on your preferred date or send you my next availability! If not, I'll share some other wonderful referrals!

What Time of Day Offers the Best Lighting for my Session?

Outdoor Sessions are Best Scheduled During AM or PM "Golden Hours"

Within the 2 hours before sunset in the evening or within the two hours after sunrise in the morning. These times are referred to as "golden hour" when the lighting is soft, glowing, and most flattering to all skin tones.

Click Here for Sunrise/Sunset Times for the Bartlesville Area

Outdoor Evening Sessions

These sessions will start approximatley 2 hours before sunset. Keep in mind that with changing seasons, start times will be much earlier in the late fall and winter.

Outdoor Morning Sessions

Morning Sessions are great for almost every portrait session type and for families with young children so that we avoid the afternoon/evening witching hours :) Also, this time of day tends to be less windy and has cooler temperatures in the summer months. Early mornings sessions are best started within one hour after sunrise.

Indoor Sessions

Indoor sessions for newborns, some toddler milestones, and family lifestyle sessions will be scheduled during peak daylight hours for the most abundant window light. These sessions usually start between 10am and 2pm.

See Examples of My Indoor Sessions Here!

Outdoor Midday Sessions

Though not usually recomendend because of harsh outdoor lighting conditions, if you need to do an outdoor portrait session during the middle of the day because of scheduling reasons, our location will be limited to one that has a lot of open shade (from houses, treelines, buildings, etc.)

When Are Product and Business Marketing Sessions Scheduled?

Most product and business marketing sessions will be scheduled during the day to allow adequate natural light for product photography at your business location. Some product photography may be done at my house on my available schedule if the items are such that they can be dropped off at my house and left for a time. Staff headshots and group pictures can be scheduled during the morning or evening golden hours or during the day, depending on if you are doing them indoors, outside, or on location. Please contact me for guidance when to schedule your session!